The Guangdong local standard "Technical specifications for Classroom Lighting in primary and secondary schools" was officially implemented on December 1


A few days ago, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong provincial market Supervision Administration jointly issued the Guangdong provincial local standard "primary and secondary school classroom lighting technical specifications" implementation of the countdown, will be officially implemented on December 1 this year, is expected to 2023 Guangdong Province will fully complete the task of primary and secondary school classroom lighting standards.

How important is educational lighting for adolescent vision?

The lighting environment of primary and secondary school classrooms is closely related to the visual health of children and adolescents. Zhuo Yehong, deputy director and deputy dean of the Zhongshan Eye Center at Sun Yat-sen University, said that myopia in children and adolescents is related to genetic factors and is also affected by environmental factors, and the lighting environment of primary and secondary school classrooms is a very important environmental factor.

In a comparative study, Zhuo divided students into two groups. One group had a 40-minute outdoor activity class every day, and the other group did not. The comparative study found that the group with outdoor activities had about 20 percent less myopia than the other group. He says increasing time spent outdoors can reduce the incidence of myopia. What does outdoor activity bring to students? The core is that the brightness and illumination of indoor light and outdoor light are different.

Relevant departments have repeatedly promoted educational lighting standards

School educational lighting as a direct relation to the visual health of students is gradually known to the public, a good classroom lighting environment can effectively reduce the visual fatigue of students, in the prevention and control of myopia plays a vital role, in recent years, the relevant departments have repeatedly taken measures on related issues.

In August 2018, eight ministries, including the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission, jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents", which clearly requires schools to improve the teaching visual environment, provide students with a learning light environment that meets the requirements of eye health, and the compliance rate of school classroom lighting hygiene standards should reach 100%.

In March 2019, the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission issued the Notice on carrying out the "Double random" Sampling inspection Work of daylighting and lighting in daycare institutions, off-campus training institutions and schools in 2019, which will conduct sampling inspection, record and publish the lighting and lighting in classrooms (teaching places) of schools, daycare institutions and off-campus training institutions.

In June 2019, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission and 22 provincial people's governments signed the Responsibility Letter for Comprehensively Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents. Strive to reduce the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents by more than 0.5% per year, and reduce the myopia rate of provinces higher than the overall national average by more than 1% per year.

Under the strong promotion of the relevant departments, the education lighting market has gradually risen, and more and more lighting companies will continue to enter the market and participate in the market competition and industry contributions in this field.

// Source: Network


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